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Meet EViTA Newman – featured artist
I like to create artworks that have angels, like Stained glass window Water color paintings. I also take photos, sketch and paint nature that I’ve seen outside of our house. For instance, I’m great at drawing and painting backyard birds. Such as Chickadees and Cardinals, also Blue jays and Humming bird and Cedar Wax Wings .
I capture landscapes in different seasons with trees, sunsets and sunrises. I create a special snow people painting every year for holiday cards. Writing the verses is fun! Other media include Pottery and sometimes sewing. I get inspirations from seeing and touching different fabrics. I love to try new things with my art mentor Cami and at InterAct.
I’ve been an artist for over 30 years, I have lived my life with some intellectual and other disabilities after having a brain tumor from when I was a young girl.
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